On Monday night November 26th the Manassas Park Marching Cougars, under the direction of Claude LeGrand, performed an amazing Halftime Show at the Washington Wizards NBA game. The fans, event staff and even players cheered the Marching Cougars on during their performance and it was definitely a night and opportunity that the students will remember for a lifetime.
During the month of October, MPHS finalists for the Virginia School Boards Association's annual video competition were recognized by Principal Kalso and TV Production teacher Ms. Papp for their excellent submissions. Each video is scripted, filmed and edited by a single student. This year's theme was "Why Teachers Are Important."Posted below are the 2nd and 3rd place MPHS finalists.
1st place finalist, Orion Dege, a junior, was selected as Manassas Park High School's entry to the state VSBA competition and was awarded the VA 1st place award at the Annual VSBA Conference in November, 2018. Please see press release on the home page for details.
Nathan Frey, a member of the MPHS Marching Cougars, played TAPS on Sunday, October 16th at 9 am at the WWII Memorial for the Puget Sound "Honor Flight" which honors WWII, Korean and Vietnam vets.